Monday, August 15, 2011

President Obama's bus tour.

Obama's bus tour yesterday left me in shock, he wasn’t there for any other reason but to campaign. For him to walk away from that teaparty person , was out of the question, it would have made him look even more foolish than he already is. Lets not  fall into his trap, he was not there to listen or to compromise. . He was there only to obtain votes and walking away wouldn’t do that for his, would it! He hates us republicans/Conservatives . Do you folks really think that Obama  care one bit about the teaparty members? This was BHO LISTEN TO ME tour...he put himself out let him take the heat..He NEVER listens to the American ppl. It is HIS FAULT and he had to have known that it was coming....He has that ego thing going on. He doesn't listen to us because he doesn't consider us on his level. He has bought into his own importance and we just don't matter at all.

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