Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Chick-Fil-A Controversy

For several tense weeks our nation has been broiling unpleasantly in the cultural equivalent of polyunsaturated fat also known as the Chick-Fil-A Controversy.  All this hoopla was over Chick-Fil-A’s President Dan Cathy's comments about gay marriage.
Now I don't particularly have any dog in the Chick-Fil-A race but I do have a problem with what is going on here in America as to seeing our Freedoms disappearing more and more, day after day. And I blame the Obama administration for this.
    The fascists on the left are doing everything they can to destroy the American way, America's freedom of choice, and America's freedom of speech freedom. They are trying to destroy a man for expressing his religious, and his political freedoms. The left solution for that is to destroy him and his company to shut him up. It's no longer enough to boycott his business, now they want to stop him from opening up a business where he wants to. So tell me what is it about freedom of religion or freedom of choice that has made you brown shirts so upset? We have seem this happen decades ago. They used the same tactics in Germany, and we went to war to stop it. And now you are using the same extremist ideas right here in America.
    What has this Country become? Where has our freedoms gone? We can't open up a business in a big city now if we don't agree with a "Special Group" I was always told that In America we had the right to do whatever we pleased as long as we followed all applicable laws. What happened to those rights?
    the party of hope and change is still the party Socialist and Marxist ideas.
    The very same groups who fought so hard for their freedom of speech and right to the pursuit of happiness, would now demand the government be involved in silencing someone who's opinion is different from their own. Seems a bit hypocritical to me.
    Chick-Fil-A will survive without the help of these Chicago thugs. Rahm Emanuel is a stark-raving idiot. He and Screwy Louie Jew hater Farrakhan make a good pair. And these two Crooks are going to fight Crime?
    Now let us wonder about the remedy for Now let us wonder about the remedy for Cathy’s heinous offense —for daring to speak out about his religious convictions: Shall we rip out his tongue, or is there a more mature reaction? Maybe, we could simply boycott his product. Conversely, should we all grab our pitchforks and burn down heinous offense —for daring to speak out about his religious convictions: Shall we rip out his tongue, or is there a more mature reaction? Maybe, we could simply boycott his product. Conversely, should we all grab our pitchforks and burn down Mr. Cathy’s house, or his chain of stores? I think NOT!
    Every single American who loves his or her Constitutional freedoms should rebel whenever elected officials threaten the use of government power to punish any citizen for daring to exercise their rights. We should support this mans right to say whatever he wants to if this is what he believes . I'm not positing a debate on gay marriage, I'm saying that as elected officials have used their office to condemn a private business who makes a stand on religious or even his political grounds. Why haven't liberals cried against such an injustice? If the roles were reversed, if a conservative mayor barred a private business from expansion in his city because the owner believed that gay marriage is okay, I guarantee that every blue dog moron would be standing on top of every possible soap box decrying that mayor for being corrupt.

    They would be the first to try to champion the claims of the 1st Amendment.

    But not here. "Freedom of thought," and words like "liberty," are just punch-lines to them. To them, they're antiquated words from a completely different era. Unless the American people demand a high standard from their elected officials, there won’t be any high standards

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